About Me

Hi I’m Bryan (obviously) and this is “my” blog. Definitely not just something I have to do for class credit (sarcastic smile). this is my “about me” page, where I’m supposed to tell you all about me and how this blog is to do class projects and contact my teacher, uh… well.. this blog is to do class projects on and contact my teacher.

Not much

I don’t really think that much of myself.

I’m really not all that much. My redeeming features are my charisma, my intelligence, and my humor (that’s about it). Sometimes I can be overly moody about trivial matters and I can get angered over them too easily. I’m pretty bad at using time wisely and I procrastinate a LOT. I tend to uh “crumble under pressure” as my family says which pretty much sums it up because I usually screw things up when I’m short on time. I really hate to be judged by people. I don’t like the way I look and I don’t like to talk about it. Most of the time I’d just rather keep to myself than be around people. To sum it up… I like my life for the most part and the people in it. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.